
Title : Focus on Fraud 2024

Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

Fraud is always a pervasive risk and can create serious issues in financial reporting. By studying fraud cases, the practitioner can become aware of patterns which will help to identify fraud. In this series Jeff discusses the basics of fraud as well as specific cases studies.

Jeff's 2024 edition highlights include: Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes, why you may not want to commit fraud in certain countries, and the final chapter for FTX.

As in all his courses, Jeff Sailor will bring his truly unique presentation style to cover the most important topics you need to know. He will also include a certain amount of humor designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.

Course Level - Basic

Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast

Length - 50 minutes of Instruction

Revision Date - 8/1/24

Field(s) of Study: Auditing

NASBA Approved

Basic Level

1.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:

    Define fraud as it relates to auditing and accounting

    Describe the types of fraud

    Describe the fraud triangle

    Describe examples of fraud 

    Describe the fraud that happened at Theranos

    Describe what happened to Truong My Lan

    Describe the final chapter of FTX




    Basic knowledge of accounting and auditing

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 Audit Update and Review (3CR)

Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

(NOTE: This is an expanded version of the Audit section of the 8 credit course, Jeff Sailor's A&A Update and Review 2024)

Knowing the accounting principles is only half the story for most accountants in public accounting. You must also understand the myriad of rules relating the reporting requirements for audits. This course will cover the nuts and bolts of these pronouncements as well as cover the theory required to make proper decisions.

Topics will include the latest SAS updates accounting estimates and the brand new requirements for audit risk assessment. Special attention will be placed on the provisions most important for compliance, including documentation. We will also discuss some troublesome topics as well as other reporting topics. As a bonus, we will include our 2024 “Focus on Fraud”. In this edition, we will discuss what happened at Theranos as well as some other cases.

Course Level - Update

Delivery Method - Group Internet Based Webcast

Length - 150 minutes of Instruction with three 10 minute breaks after each hour

Revision Date - 7/26/24

Field(s) of Study: Auditing

NASBA Approved

Update Level

3.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Apply the provisions for auditing accounting estimates
    • Apply the provisions for audit evidence
    • Apply the provisions for  risk assessment
    • Describe peer review problem areas
    • Apply better practice skills for documentation
    • Describe the fraud that happened at Theranos




    basic understanding of auditing

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 SSARS Update and Review (3CR)

Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

(NOTE: This is an expanded version of the SSARS section of the 8 credit course, Jeff Sailor's A&A Update and Review 2024)

Knowing the accounting principles is only half the story for most accountants in public accounting. You must also understand the myriad of rules relating the reporting requirements for compilations and review. To add to the confusion, there is now a new level of service known as a preparation, which has no report! This course will cover the nuts and bolts of these pronouncements as well as cover the theory required to make proper decisions.

Topics will include the most important issues related to compilations and reviews as well as the general requirements that apply to all SSARS engagements. Special attention will be placed on the provisions most important for compliance. We will include a section on using the AICPA Practice for developing your system of quality management. We will also cover the AICPA practice Aids for preparation engagements and review analytical procedures. 

Course Level - Update

Delivery Method - Group Internet Based Webcast

Length - 150 minutes of Instruction with three 10 minute break after each hour

Revision Date - 7/26/24

Field(s) of Study: Accounting

NASBA Approved

Update Level

3.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Identify proper application of the provisions of SSARS 
    • Implement a system of quality management using the AICPA Practice Aid
    • Identify reporting requirements for compilations and reviews.
    • Apply the provisions of the AICPA practice aid for preparation engagements
    • Apply the provisions of the AICPA Practice Aid for review analytical procedures
    • Apply the provisions for the compilation of financial statements
    • Describe peer review problem areas
    • Apply better practice skills




    Basic understanding of accounting

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 A&A Update and Review (8 CR)

Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

Jeff Sailor's 2024 Accounting and Auditing Update and Review Course is designed to provide an in-depth look into the most important new pronouncements issued during the past year, along with an overview of less pervasive ones. As always, to assist with attention and learning, Jeff has included several video parodies.

ACCOUNTING UPDATE - Covers the latest updates to the FASB Codification, including financial instruments, credit losses, cryptocurrency, accounting theory under the Concepts and other FASB updates.

AUDIT UPDATE - In-depth coverage of the totally updated requirements for risk assessment, as well as Focus on Fraud.

SSARS UPDATE - Covers the requirements for preparations, compilations, and reviews in a step by step format with a focus on the new AICPA Guide to Analytical Procedures in a Review.

QUALITY STANDARDS - A step by step discussion on using the AICPA practice aid for implementing your new System of Quality Management.

Course Level- Update

Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast

Length- 400 minutes of instruction- 10min break in the morning and afternoon and 30min lunch break

Revision Date: 7/18/2024

Field(s) of Study: Accounting

NASBA Approved

Update Level

8.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Identify and apply the most pervasive GAAP updates
    • Apply the provisions for financial instruments
    • Apply the provisions for cryptocurrency under the new standard
    • Apply the major provisions of the standard for Credit Losses
    • Apply the standards for preparations, compilations and reviews based on AR sections 60, 70, 80 & 90
    • Identify and apply the latest audit standards for inquiries related to the predecessor auditor
    • Apply the new Audit Risk Assessment requirements
    • Describe fraud risks associated with recent cases
    • Apply the AICPA Practice Aid to implement your system of quality management
    • Describe proper accounting theory under the FASB Concepts
    • Cite and apply better practice skills




    Basic understanding of accounting and auditing

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFTs and Other Scary Stuff No One Understands

Presented By : Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor

This course covers topics which most practitioners find somewhat daunting. The goal is to give you the information you need to meet these challenges with confidence and thus not miss the proper accounting or reporting issues.

This course is designed to teach you various aspects of blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs , Web3 and AI.

Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor bring a truly unique presentation style to explain the topics in a common sense way, while adding their own sense of candor and humor to keep you awake and reinforce the material.

Course Level - Basic

Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast

Length - 100 minutes of Instruction with a ten minute break

Revision Date - 8/14/24

Field(s) of Study: Accounting

NASBA Approved

Basic Level

2.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

      • Describe the concept of blockchain
      • Describe common uses of blockchain
      • Describe the concept of cryptocurrency
      • Recognize some of the challenges of cryptocurrency
      • Apply the new FASB standards for accounting for cryptocurrency
      • Describe non-fungible tokens
      • Describe the concept of WEB3
      • Recognize the challenges and opportunities for using artificial intelligence in accounting and auditing




      Basic understanding of accounting and reporting

      Advanced Preparation


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    Title : Enjoyable Ethics- Chapter 3: The Conceptual Framework & Independence (1CR)

    Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

    Written by Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor

    This course specifically meets the Ethics Requirements for North Carolina and any other states which require an Ethics Course prepared by a NASBA Sponsor. Check your state for individual requirements.

    This course is designed to teach you many important aspects of accounting ethics, while making it enjoyable. To do this this Jeff not only covers the typical topics, but also challenges you to think outside the box.

    In this edition, Jeff Sailor uses his truly unique presentation style to explain how to use the AICPA Conceptual Framework when faced with ethical issues, and covers independence requirements of the Code of Professional Conduct.

    As usual, Jeff includes a lot of humor to keep you awake and reinforce the material.

    Course Level - Update

    Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast

    Length - 50 minutes of Instruction

    Revision Date - 10/25/22

    Field(s) of Study: Regulatory Ethics

    NASBA Approved

    Update Level

    1.0 Hrs

    • More Info

      Learning Objectives

      Apply the Conceptual Framework for ethics issues

      Identify the seven threats to independence

      Describe the five categories of independence issues

      Describe the issues related to nonattest services




      Basic understanding of accounting and reporting

      Advanced Preparation


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    Title : Jeff Sailor’s Accounting for Leases (4CR)

    Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

    One of the biggest and most frustrating standard revisions involves the accounting for leases. The new lease standard, in essence, requires all leases to be recognized on the statement of position of lesees.

    In this course, Jeff Sailor will bring his truly unique presentation style to explains the standard from beginning to end, including the reasons why the standard was issued. In addition, he will include his signature video parodies, which are designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.

    Course Level- Update

    Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast

    Length- 200 minutes of instruction

    Revision Date- 12/11/21

    Field(s) of Study: Accounting

    NASBA Approved

    Basic Level

    4.0 Hrs

    • More Info

      Learning Objectives

      Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
      Identify the situations to which the standard applies
      Describe the history and reasons for the standard
      Identify the difference between a lease and a service contract
      Identify the proper classification of a lease
      Apply the provisions for initial measurement
      Apply the provisions for subsequent measurement
      Apply the provisions for a finance lease for a lessee
      Apply the provisions for an operating lease for a lessee
      Describe the required disclosure
      Describe the potential impact of the standard on stakeholders





      Advanced Preparation

      Experience in accounting

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    Title : Special Purpose Frameworks- The Alternative to GAAP (3CR)

    Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

    Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) has become increasingly complex due to the changing environment. While this complexity is justified in many situations, many entities find that the cost does not justify the benefits. As a result, many entities turn to Special Purpose Frameworks. In this course we will look at the most popular alternative frameworks as well as some new and other interesting frameworks. We’ll also spend time on the theory that should go into your decision- making when deciding to use a Special Purpose Framework.

    Course Level- Basic

    Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast

    Length- 150 minutes of instruction

    Revision Date- 12/11/21

    Field(s) of Study: Accounting

    NASBA Approved

    Basic Level

    3.0 Hrs

    • More Info

      Learning Objectives

      Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to:


      Define Special Purpose Frameworks and provide examples.

      Explain the differences between Special Purpose Frameworks and OCBOA.

      Explain the purpose of general-purpose financial statements.

      Explain what make financial statements useful.

      Apply a methodology for deciding on footnotes for a Special Purpose Framework.

      Cite the authoritative guidance for Special Purpose Frameworks.

      Define the four primary categories of Special Purpose Frameworks.

      Decide when it would be appropriate to use a Special Purpose Framework.

      Apply the Cash, Modified Cash and Tax bases of accounting.

      Explain the theory behind regulatory and contractual bases of accounting.

      Explain the major elements of IFRS-SME.

      Explain the major elements of FRF-SME.

      Apply resources for preparing financial statements under FRF-SME.




      Knowledge of accounting

      Advanced Preparation


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    Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 A&A Update and Review- Part 1 (4CR)

    Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

    Jeff Sailor's 2024 Accounting and Auditing Update and Review Course is designed to provide an in-depth look into the most important new pronouncements issued during the past year, along with an overview of less pervasive ones. As always, to assist with attention and learning, Jeff has included several video parodies.

    This is PART 1 of the course and covers the following topics:

    ACCOUNTING UPDATE - Covers the latest updates to the FASB Codification, including financial instruments, credit losses, cryptocurrency, accounting theory under the Concepts and other FASB updates.

    Course Level- Update

    Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast

    Length- 200 minutes of instruction- with three 10 minute breaks

    Revision Date: 7/22/24

    Field(s) of Study: Accounting

    NASBA Approved

    Update Level

    4.0 Hrs

    • More Info

      Learning Objectives

      • Identify and apply the most pervasive GAAP updates
      • Apply the provisions for financial instruments
      • Apply the provisions for cryptocurrency under the new standard
      • Apply the major provisions of the standard for Credit Losses
      • Describe proper accounting theory under the FASB Concepts
      • Cite and apply better practice skills




      Basic understanding of accounting

      Advanced Preparation


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    Title : Not Documented, Not Done (2CR)

    Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA

    The title of this course is the new mantra for the AICPA. With accountants increasingly being sued for deficiencies perceived by clients and attorneys in various engagements, the AICPA has increased its focus on documentation in the accounting and auditing arena. In addition, peer review has revealed a consistent lack of proper documentation.

    In this course, Jeff Sailor will discuss the requirements for a variety of engagements as well as tips for better documentation. You will not only learn the basic requirements, but also the proper theory for exceptional documentation.

    As always, Jeff will bring his truly unique presentation style and include a few of his signature video parodies, which are designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.

    Course Level- Basic

    Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast

    Length- 100 minutes of instruction

    Revision Date- 8/14/20

    Field(s) of Study: Accounting

    NASBA Approved

    Basic Level

    2.0 Hrs

    • More Info

      Learning Objectives

      • Identify the documentation requirements for:
      •             Audits
      •             Reviews
      •             Compilations
      •             Preparations
      •             Examinations under the SSAEs
      •             Reviews under the SSAEs
      •             Agreed Upon Procedures engagements under the SSAEs
      • Apply the standards for those engagements
      • Apply a variety of “best practices” to documentation 




      Experience in accounting

      Advanced Preparation


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