Jeff Sailor’s Accounting for Leases
Title : Jeff Sailor’s Accounting for Leases (4CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
One of the biggest and most frustrating standard revisions involves the accounting for leases. The new lease standard, in essence, requires all leases to be recognized on the statement of position of lesees.
In this course, Jeff Sailor will bring his truly unique presentation style to explains the standard from beginning to end, including the reasons why the standard was issued. In addition, he will include his signature video parodies, which are designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 200 minutes of instruction
Revision Date- 12/11/21
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Identify the situations to which the standard applies
Describe the history and reasons for the standard
Identify the difference between a lease and a service contract
Identify the proper classification of a lease
Apply the provisions for initial measurement
Apply the provisions for subsequent measurement
Apply the provisions for a finance lease for a lessee
Apply the provisions for an operating lease for a lessee
Describe the required disclosure
Describe the potential impact of the standard on stakeholdersLevel
Advanced Preparation
Experience in accounting
2024 A&A Update - PART 2 (4Cr)
Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 A&A Update and Review- Part 2 (4CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor's 2024 Accounting and Auditing Update and Review Course is designed to provide an in-depth look into the most important new pronouncements issued during the past year, along with an overview of less pervasive ones. As always, to assist with attention and learning, Jeff has included several video parodies.
This is PART 2 of the course and covers the following topics:
AUDIT UPDATE - In-depth coverage of the totally updated requirements for risk assessment, as well as Focus on Fraud.
SSARS UPDATE - Covers the requirements for preparations, compilations, and reviews in a step by step format with a focus on the new AICPA Guide to Analytical Procedures in a Review.
QUALITY STANDARDS - A step by step discussion on using the AICPA practice aid for implementing your new System of Quality Management.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 200 minutes of instruction- with three 10 minute breaks
Revision Date: 7/22/24
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Learning Objectives
- Identify and apply the most pervasive GAAP updates
- Apply the standards for preparations, compilations and reviews based on AR sections 60, 70, 80 & 90
- Identify and apply the latest audit standards for inquiries related to the predecessor auditor
- Apply the new Audit Risk Assessment requirements
- Describe fraud risks associated with recent cases
- Apply the AICPA Practice Aid to implement your system of quality management
- Cite and apply better practice skills
Basic understanding of accounting and auditing
Advanced Preparation
2024 A&A Update - PART 1 (4Cr)
Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 A&A Update and Review- Part 1 (4CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor's 2024 Accounting and Auditing Update and Review Course is designed to provide an in-depth look into the most important new pronouncements issued during the past year, along with an overview of less pervasive ones. As always, to assist with attention and learning, Jeff has included several video parodies.
This is PART 1 of the course and covers the following topics:
ACCOUNTING UPDATE - Covers the latest updates to the FASB Codification, including financial instruments, credit losses, cryptocurrency, accounting theory under the Concepts and other FASB updates.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 200 minutes of instruction- with three 10 minute breaks
Revision Date: 7/22/24
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Learning Objectives
- Identify and apply the most pervasive GAAP updates
- Apply the provisions for financial instruments
- Apply the provisions for cryptocurrency under the new standard
- Apply the major provisions of the standard for Credit Losses
- Describe proper accounting theory under the FASB Concepts
- Cite and apply better practice skills
Basic understanding of accounting
Advanced Preparation
Step by Step Series-Preparing for Your Peer Review
Title : Preparing for Your Peer Review: Step by Step Series (3CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor’s Step by Step Series was created to tackle various A&A topics using a practical approach, rather than simply going through the standards as they were written. This course will cover the tough topic of preparing for your peer review.
Course Level- Basic
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 150 minutes of instruction
Revision Date: 5/29/20
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the purpose and objective of peer review
Identify the two type of peer review
Describe the process for participating in peer review
Identify the problem areas in peer review
Apply proper documentation
Apply the requirements for a quality control document
Apply tips for a smooth peer reviewLevel
Experience in accounting and auditing
Advanced Preparation
Accounting for Not-For-Profit Entities
Title : Accounting for Not-For-Profit Entities (3CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Not-for-profit accounting is a specialized area of GAAP which has recently changed significantly. This course will take an in-depth look at all aspects of this topic from determining the nature of a contribution to presentation and disclosures. As always, Jeff will include his personal brand of humor to keep the webcast moving.
Course Level- Basic
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 150 minutes of instruction
Revision Date- 12/11/21
Promotional Snippet
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the recent changes to NFP accounting
Apply the standards to distinguish a contribution from an exchange
Describe a conditional contribution
Apply the standards for accounting for a conditional contribution
Apply the standards to classify a contribution as restricted or unrestricted
Apply the special provisions with regard to contributed services
Apply the provisions for presentation of financial statements and disclosures
Describe issues for special issues
Experience in accounting topics
Advanced Preparation
Enjoyable Ethics - 3 Credit Edition
Title : Enjoyable Ethics- The 3 Credit Edition
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Written by Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor
This course specifically meets the Ethics CPE requirements of any state which requires 1-3 credits prepared by a NASBA Sponsor. Check your state for individual requirements.
This course is designed to teach you many important aspects of accounting ethics, while making it enjoyable. To do this, Jeff covers the typical topics while challenging you to think outside the box.
Jeff Sailor uses his truly unique presentation style to explain the nature of ethics as well as why we have to review our ethics rules on a regular basis.
He covers the authoritative guidance found in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct in detail. He also explains how to use the AICPA Conceptual Framework when faced with ethical issues, and covers independence requirements of the Code of Professional Conduct with special emphasis on nonattest services.
In addition, Jeff includes a lot of humor and one of his signature video parodies, which is designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level - Update
Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 150 minutes of Instruction
Revision Date - 10/25/22-
More Info
Learning Objectives
Define ethics
Describe types of ethics
Identify ethical dilemmas
Describe the source of accounting ethics
Describe the format of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Identify the areas of ethics rules for accountants in public practice
Identify the areas of ethics rules for accountants in business
Describe various violations of ethics
Apply the Conceptual Framework for ethics issues
Identify the seven threats to independence
Describe the five categories of independence issues
Describe the issues related to nonattest services
Basic understanding of accounting and reporting
Advanced Preparation
Fraud's Greatest Hits
Title : Fraud's Greatest Hits! (3CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Fraud has always been a concern for anyone associated with financial statements. In this course, Jeff takes a unique approach to the study of this topic by looking at what are considered to be the top ten accounting fraud cases. In studying the cases, you will gain insight into what to look for in the future.
In addition to the cases, Jeff will cover various aspects, both authoritative and guidance, related to fraud to further improve your awareness and skills. He will also cover a couple of other significant fraud cases as well as a couple of interesting historical notes.
The entire presentation is packaged into Jeff’s unique blend of teaching with humor. Each case has its own “Greatest hit”, a song parody to help you remember the case as well as other surprises along the way to keep your interest.
If you are looking for a course that will keep awake and engaged and will better prepare you for detecting fraud, then this course is a must.
Course Level- Basic
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 150 minutes of instruction
Revision Date: October 18, 2021
Promotional Snippet
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the top ten accounting fraud cases
Identify the nature of fraud and its three characteristics
Apply the provisions for fraud risk assessment in an audit
Identify examples of fraud
Describe the traits of a white collar criminal
Describe techniques to detect fraud
Identify the principles of the COSO Fraud Risk Management Guide
Basic understanding of accounting and reporting
Advanced Preparation
Jeff Sailor’s Risk Assessment Course
Title : Risk Assessment in Performing an Audit (2CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Through the peer review program, the AICPA has identified risk assessment as a major area of noncompliance for audits. As a result, this will be a major focus area for peer reviews for the next several years and the AICPA has indicated they intend to be very strict on compliance.
Course Level- Basic
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 100 minutes of instruction
Revision Date- 8/14/20
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the issues found in peer reviews
Apply proper risk assessment in an audit
Apply the documentation requirements
Describe the tools provided by the AICPALevel
Experience in auditing
Advanced Preparation
The SSARS General Principles- By the Book
Title : The SSARS General Principles - By The Book (1CR)
Presented By : Jeff Sailor
Preparation, compilation and review engagements fall under the SSARS reporting standards. Regardless of the level of engagement, all SSARS engagements fall under the SSARS General Principles. In this course, Jeff will explain the general principles required for all SSARS engagements
Topics will include ethics, engagement acceptance, compliance with requirements as well as other areas. As always, Jeff will include his unique sense of humor to help keep your attention and retain the material.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 50 minutes of instruction
Revision Date: 8/14/2023
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Identify proper application of the provisions of SSARS General Principles
Identify the relevant ethics for SSARS engagements
Apply the general requirements for all SSARS engagements
Apply better practice skills
Basic knowledge of accounting and reporting
Advanced Preparation
Maintaining Your Independence
Title : Maintaining Your Independence (1CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Written by Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor
Independence is one of the most important aspects in all areas of financial reporting. It is interesting to note that none of us are ever truly independent. The key is being aware of the issues which could impair your judgement.
In this course, Jeff Sailor uses his truly unique presentation style to explain the importance of maintaining your independence, along with covering the most important independence issues found in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
In addition, Jeff includes a lot of humor to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level - Update
Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 50 minutes of instruction
Revision Date - 10/25/22
More Info
Learning Objectives
Define independence
Describe the requirements for independence in financial reporting
Identify the seven threats to independence
Describe the independence issues found in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Basic understanding of accounting and reporting
Advanced Preparation