Step by Step Series-Preparing Personal Financial Statements
Title : Preparing Personal Financial Statements: Step by Step Series (2CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor’s Step by Step Series was created to tackle various A&A topics using a practical approach, rather than simply going through the standards as they were written. This course will cover the tough topic of preparing personal financial statements.
Course Level- Basic
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 100 minutes of instruction
Revision Date- 12/27/24
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Identify professional accounting standards related to personal financial statements
Identify professional reporting standards related to personal financial statements
Describe the purposes for personal financial statements
Describe the alternatives available
Apply the GAAP and alternative methods of preparation
Apply the applicable reporting standardsLevel
Experience in accounting
Advanced Preparation
Enjoyable Ethics - 2 Credit Edition
Title : Enjoyable Ethics- The 2 Credit Edition
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Written by Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor
This course specifically meets the Ethics CPE requirements for South Carolina and any other states which require 1-2 credits prepared by a NASBA Sponsor. Check your state for individual requirements.
This course is designed to teach you many important aspects of accounting ethics, while making it enjoyable. To do this, Jeff covers the typical topics while challenging you to think outside the box.
Jeff Sailor uses his truly unique presentation style to explain the nature of ethics, as well as why we have to review our ethics rules on a regular basis.
He also covers the authoritative guidance found in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
As usual, Jeff includes a lot of humor and one of his signature video parodies, which is designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level - Update
Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 100 minutes of Instruction
Revision Date - 1/14/25-
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Learning Objectives
Define ethics
Describe types of ethics
Identify ethical dilemmas
Describe the source of accounting ethics
Describe the format of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Identify the areas of ethics rules for accountants in public practice
Identify the areas of ethics rules for accountants in business
Describe various violations of ethics
Basic understanding of accounting and reporting
Advanced Preparation
Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements- Step by Step
Title : Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements- Step by Step (2CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor’s Step by Step Series was created to tackle various A&A topics using a practical approach, rather than simply going through the standards as they were written. This course will cover the new requirements under SSAE 19 for Agreed-Upon Procedures engagements.
AUPEs are a great tool for meeting your client’s needs without traditional reporting. They provide almost endless options for services with very little exposure. This is due to the fact that an AUPE has no conclusion or opinion. Instead, the users are left to form their own opinions as the practitioner simply reports the procedures performed and the findings. Jeff will walk you step by step through the entire process.
In addition to the material, Jeff will include his unique perspective and humor, including his signature video parodies, which are designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 100 Minutes of instruction
Revision Date- 12/27/24
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the purpose of an agreed-upon procedures engagement
Identify various options for AUPE
Apply the provisions for performing an AUPE
Identify language to be avoided when reporting
Apply proper documentationLevel
Basic understanding of reporting requirements
Advanced Preparation
Focus on Fraud 2024
Title : Focus on Fraud 2024
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Fraud is always a pervasive risk and can create serious issues in financial reporting. By studying fraud cases, the practitioner can become aware of patterns which will help to identify fraud. In this series Jeff discusses the basics of fraud as well as specific cases studies.
Jeff's 2024 edition highlights include: Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes, why you may not want to commit fraud in certain countries, and the final chapter for FTX.
As in all his courses, Jeff Sailor will bring his truly unique presentation style to cover the most important topics you need to know. He will also include a certain amount of humor designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level - Basic
Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 50 minutes of Instruction
Revision Date - 8/1/24
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Define fraud as it relates to auditing and accounting
Describe the types of fraud
Describe the fraud triangle
Describe examples of fraud
Describe the fraud that happened at Theranos
Describe what happened to Truong My Lan
Describe the final chapter of FTX
Basic knowledge of accounting and auditing
Advanced Preparation
Enjoyable Ethics for Tax Professionals - Circular 230
Title : Enjoyable Ethics for Tax Professionals - Circular 230
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
This course designed to address ethics issues of tax practitioners under Circular 230 and but also qualifies as regulatory ethics under other states which require an ethics course prepared by a NASBA Sponsor. Check your state for individual requirements.
This course is designed to teach you various aspects of the ethics requirements of Circular 230, while making it enjoyable. To do this, Jeff will not only cover the typical topics but will also challenge you to think outside the box.
In this course, Jeff Sailor will bring his truly unique presentation style to explain the nature of ethics as well as why we have to review our ethics rules on a regular basis.
While the focus of this course will be on ethics for tax practitioners, these may be applied to any accounting professional.
In addition, Jeff will include interesting true case studies and a lot of humor to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level - Update
Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 100 minutes of Instruction with a ten minute break
Revision Date - 8/1/24
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Learning Objectives
-Describe the source of tax practitioner ethics
-Describe the format of IRS Circular 230
-Apply the standards for client confidentiality
-Apply the standards for proper safeguarding of client data
-Recognize some of the more common fraud situations
-Apply the standards for duties and responsibilities relating to practice before the IRS
Basic accounting knowledge
Advanced Preparation
Step by Step Series-Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows
Title : Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows: Step by Step Series (2CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor’s Step by Step Series was created to tackle various A&A topics using a practical approach, rather than simply going through the standards as they were written. This course will cover how to prepare a statement of cash flows.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 100 minutes of instruction
Revision Date- 12/27/24
Promotional Snippet
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the purpose of a statement of cashflows
Identify the three classifications of activities
Apply a spreadsheet model to identify cash flows
Identify the two methods for presentation
Apply GAAP principles in preparing the presentation
Apply the requirements for disclosuresLevel
Experience in accounting
Advanced Preparation
2024 A&A Update - PART 1 (4Cr)
Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 A&A Update and Review- Part 1 (4CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor's 2024 Accounting and Auditing Update and Review Course is designed to provide an in-depth look into the most important new pronouncements issued during the past year, along with an overview of less pervasive ones. As always, to assist with attention and learning, Jeff has included several video parodies.
This is PART 1 of the course and covers the following topics:
ACCOUNTING UPDATE - Covers the latest updates to the FASB Codification, including financial instruments, credit losses, cryptocurrency, accounting theory under the Concepts and other FASB updates.
Course Level- Update
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 200 minutes of instruction- with three 10 minute breaks
Revision Date: 7/22/24
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Learning Objectives
- Identify and apply the most pervasive GAAP updates
- Apply the provisions for financial instruments
- Apply the provisions for cryptocurrency under the new standard
- Apply the major provisions of the standard for Credit Losses
- Describe proper accounting theory under the FASB Concepts
- Cite and apply better practice skills
Basic understanding of accounting
Advanced Preparation
Accounting for Income Taxes- Step by Step Series
Title : Accounting for Income Taxes: Step by Step Series (2CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Jeff Sailor’s Step by Step Series was created to tackle various A&A topics using a practical approach, rather than simply going through the standards as they were written. This course will cover the tough topic of accounting for income taxes
In this course, Jeff takes you step by step through the process to insure that you understand both the professional as well as the practical requirements. He will cover not only the accounting and presentation, but also show you many examples to show the practical aspects.
Course Level- Basic
Delivery Method- Group Internet Based Webcast
Length- 100 minutes of instruction
Revision Date - 12/27/24
Promotional Snippet
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Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Describe the steps to accounting for income taxes
Apply the recognition, measurement and presentation for current taxes
Apply the recognition, measurement and presentation for deferred taxes
Apply the provisions for unrecognized tax positions
Apply the requirements for disclosures
Experience in accounting
Advanced Preparation
Enjoyable Ethics for Florida CPAs
Title : Enjoyable Ethics for Florida CPAs (4CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
Written by Jeff Sailor and Jennifer Sailor
This course specifically meets the ethics CPE requirements for Florida CPAs. Our Florida Provider Number is 0009374 and our Florida Course Number is 0028009.
To specifically meet the requirements for Florida CPAs, the course will devote at least 51% of the time to Florida rules including Chapter 455 F.S. , Chapter 473 F.S. and FL BOA Rules 61H1.
This course is designed to teach you many important aspects of accounting ethics, while making it enjoyable. To do this, Jeff will not only cover the typical topics, but will also challenge you to think outside the box.
In this course, Jeff Sailor will bring his truly unique presentation style to explain the nature of ethics as well as why we have to review our ethics rules on a regular basis.
He will cover the authoritative guidance found in the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct in detail. He will also explain how to use the AICPA Conceptual Framework when faced with ethical issues and cover independence requirements of the Code of Professional Conduct with special emphasis on nonattest services.
In addition, Jeff will include a lot of humor and one of his signature video parodies, which is designed to keep you awake and reinforce the material.
Course Level - Update
Delivery Method -Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 200 minutes of Instruction
Revision Date - 1/14/25
More Info
Learning Objectives
Define ethics
Describe types of ethics
Identify ethical dilemmas
Describe the source of accounting ethics
Describe the format of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
Identify the areas of ethics rules for accountants in public practice
Identify the areas of ethics rules for accountants in business
Describe various violations of ethics
Apply the Conceptual Framework for ethics issues
Identify the seven threats to independence
Describe the five categories of independence issues
Describe the issues related to nonattest services
Describe the topics in FL 455
Describe the topics in FL 473
Describe the rules on Fl BOA Rules 61H1
Apply the provisions for reporting CPE to the FL DBPR
Basic understanding of accounting and reporting
Advanced Preparation
Jeff Sailor's 2024 SSARS Update
Title : Jeff Sailor's 2024 SSARS Update and Review (3CR)
Presented By : Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA
(NOTE: This is an expanded version of the SSARS section of the 8 credit course, Jeff Sailor's A&A Update and Review 2024)
Knowing the accounting principles is only half the story for most accountants in public accounting. You must also understand the myriad of rules relating the reporting requirements for compilations and review. To add to the confusion, there is now a new level of service known as a preparation, which has no report! This course will cover the nuts and bolts of these pronouncements as well as cover the theory required to make proper decisions.
Topics will include the most important issues related to compilations and reviews as well as the general requirements that apply to all SSARS engagements. Special attention will be placed on the provisions most important for compliance. We will include a section on using the AICPA Practice for developing your system of quality management. We will also cover the AICPA practice Aids for preparation engagements and review analytical procedures.
Course Level - Update
Delivery Method - Group Internet Based Webcast
Length - 150 minutes of Instruction with three 10 minute break after each hour
Revision Date - 7/26/24
More Info
Learning Objectives
- Identify proper application of the provisions of SSARS
- Implement a system of quality management using the AICPA Practice Aid
- Identify reporting requirements for compilations and reviews.
- Apply the provisions of the AICPA practice aid for preparation engagements
- Apply the provisions of the AICPA Practice Aid for review analytical procedures
- Apply the provisions for the compilation of financial statements
- Describe peer review problem areas
- Apply better practice skills
Basic understanding of accounting
Advanced Preparation
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